Friday, November 20, 2009

Shadows at Noon

Back to the Pootatuck River running under the bridge on Church Hill Road in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. It is noon, and in mid-November the low angle of the sun causes the trees to cast long shadows over the water. Do you see the little triangular rock, the one that appeared in two earlier studies? Here it is in a larger context, set against the forces of two opposing diagonals: the long shadows laying against the rush of white water, both bearing down, down, down. How heroic this common little rock seems, holding it's own against relentless forces. We are like the little rock, one among billions, difficult to discern from one another when seen in the larger context. We are the heroes of our own stories.
- Nancy Boudreau

This painting is about 5" x 7" acrylic on gessoed mat board, protected in a cream-colored mat. As with all these little studies, the text above is handwritten on the back of the painting, which is also signed and dated.

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