Foxglove, also known as Digitalis, is an old companion plant that followed Europeans to America. We share a long history, full of fancy and close to the heart. - Nancy Boudreau
Here are links to Wikipedia and Botanical.com that tell story of our long acquaintance.
This drawing was created using Prismacolor pencil on paper, a long-time favorite of mine. All the drawings of this set of sixteen, are 4.5" x 4.5", are under cream-colored mats and framed in honey-colored maple, ready to hang. Each framed piece measures 16.5" x 16.5". The series, which was completed in 1997, is for sale as a set for $3200. They are made available to you directly from the artist.
If you're interested in seeing the originals, or purchasing the series, contact me at:
Enjoy the show, not the snow!
Nancy Boudreau
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