Not always pretty! Clean canvas disappears under chaos of color, pristine new paint tubes squeezed and crinkled, brush bristles mashed, food grade containers coated with layers of acrylic residue, a white apron carelessly smeared, a pallet of rainbows becomes thunderclouds at midnight.
- Nancy Boudreau
This painting is about 11 x 20 inches and is acrylic on gessoed wood panel, raw edges sealed with gel medium, all trussed up and ready to hang in your home or office. The text above is handwritten on the back of the painting, which is also signed and dated. Feel free to contact me directly at nb@nboudreau.com with questions, comments or a soul searching discussion of the workings of the universe (with humor).
Click here to go to the "Studio-Cleaning" 50% off sale on Etsy.

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