Monday, June 27, 2016

Mission Accomplished

Two days of gorgeous weather at the Thames River Arts & Crafts Show in New London, CT. The grassy lawns of Mitchell College with their view of the river was a beautiful spot. Jaden Events really put their hearts into every aspect of the show, filling the venue with an eclectic range of high-quality, sincere artisans. Visitors were really impressed and everyone apparently had a relaxed, peaceful, happy, entertaining time of it all. 

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in the raffle, which was a highlight of each day. On Saturday, "Is That You On Bantam River?" went to the winner Reverend John Burger of Bristol, Rhode Island. Sunday afternoon "Goose Island September Sunset" was won by John Bale of Old Mystic, Connecticut. Congratulations to you both! And thanks again to everyone who bought tickets and contributed to the fun.

Most of all, many big thanks to my handsome helper Eric, who sat with me those two days and helped me pack up when it was time to go. You were a life saver, and full of wisdom too!

Congratulations Shelley and family, on a show well run!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Single Daylily

This is "Single Daylily", a small painting composed of layer upon layer of color and gel medium. Luscious and luminous, with a surface like a quiet lake, the painting rests on a block of panels with colored edges. A pleasure to hold, it feels weighty and substantial.

Thank you Donna B for contributing this gorgeous gold-leaf covered wood frame. The painting wears it like a crown. The black velvet backing is an especially nice touch.

Come see this work of mine and many others on the 25th and 26th of June, in New London,  on the Mitchell College campus, at the Thames River Arts and Crafts Show.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Printastic to the Rescue

A big thanks to the good work by Printastic, who created my banner for the Thames River Arts & Crafts Show in New London. Super heavy-duty construction, made exactly to order with a turnaround time perfect for this anxious artist. Two weeks to go and lots more to do! Thanks Printastic - for making me look so good!

The Thames River Arts & Crafts Show will be June 25th and 26th on the Mitchell College campus in New London, Connecticut. Please come and enjoy a beautiful weekend by the Long Island Sound. You'll find me under the big blue banner!
 - Nancy Boudreau